About Us

Founded by Susan Guigley in 2017, Kitty Patch Sanctuary is Home to Stray, Abandoned, and Feral Cats in Bethel, Pennsylvania
“As long as humans continue to neglect domestic cats, our sanctuary will be needed.”
For many years, I volunteered at an animal rescue league. In 1985, I became a certified veterinary technician, and I now work as an animal nurse for a local animal hospital. What I learn and the compassion I feel gives me the desire to make a difference.
Three Important Reasons Kitty Patch Sanctuary Was Founded
What great companions cats make.
Cats get a bum rap. Not only are cats adorable, they’re fiercely independent, quiet, therapeutic, and playful.
What cats face when abandoned.
People can be irresponsible or ignorant when adopting a cat or giving up their cat. A friendly cat placed outside will face extreme weather, starvation, infection, attacks by other animals, and inhumane behavior by people who want to eradicate them. Their kittens will become feral, and adult feral cats cannot be adopted.
What cats can teach us.
The lack of public education about the risks posed by free-roaming abandoned and feral cats is critical. Feral cats carry many types of parasites, which not only harm cats, but can be transmitted to humans. The treatment is costly.
They All Joined Me!
Our mission is to educate the public about companion cat overpopulation and how to help stray, abandoned, and feral cats.

Advocate North
Christina Natale
“I know all about cats.”
Christina maintains a feeding station at her home to help feral cats survive, and volunteers with a local trap-neuter-release organization. In addition, she likes to find homes for the kittens.

Advocate South
Yvonne Boylan
“I have spent a lot of time with cats.”
Growing up, Yvonne’s family often took in strays and they became her loving pets. She feels it is very important to support groups having the purpose of protecting the lives of cats.

Advocate East
Alaina Natale
“I inherited the cat-loving gene.”
The love and compassion that Alaina feels for cats was passed on from her mother (Christina). She feels an instinctual protectiveness over them.

Advocate West
Dannie Brumby
“I love caring for cats.”
Knowing that cat homelessness is a rampant issue, Dannie has an affinity for the cat spay and neuter program. She is an animal nurse for an animal hospital.