How You Can Help

We depend on donations from compassionate people like you so that we can care for every cat we rescue and for every cat that is brought to us.

Donate Money Using Our Secure Donation Page

Your gift of any amount helps us make an effective impact toward preventing cat homelessness. Money donations help us provide lifelong care to every one of our resident cats.

Our Donation page allows you to choose any amount to give.

You will receive a note of gratitude and a receipt to use for a tax deduction.

Donate Items from Our AmazonWishList

When you purchase items from our Amazon Kitty Patch Sanctuary Wish List, they will be shipped directly to Kitty Patch Sanctuary.

We chose items that are most needed to maintain the health and well-being of our resident cats so they can continue to live a better life.

Your purchase amount is tax deductible. If you include a "gift note" with your name and email or mailing address, we will send a donation receipt.